Ugh, I’m honestly really tired of hearing people complain that the economy is crap and there are no jobs and government needs to do something.
Simultaneously we celebrate the sharing economy and get upset when governments want to regulate it – you know, because it would cost resources to do that (and probably create jobs)
We can’t have it both ways.
As an entrepreneur for more than 6 years now I tend to fall into the group that encourages the sharing economy. I like to motivate people to take control of their income and figure out how to make money without relying on some external organization to find them work. As someone with a rebel tendency I also tend to prefer less regulation and more autonomy.
In other words, I love to call on my inner Gary Vaynerchuk from time to time, and help you find yours
But I want to know what YOU think.
Can we actually have a government that makes policy and creates jobs, while at the same time keep building disruptive start-ups that completely change the way we do things?
I earn $25,000 a year just from renting out 2 suites in my house on AirBnB. If there were strict regulations in place – and jobs created to manage those policies – yes one more person might have a job but I wouldn’t have $25,000 to cover my living expenses so I could build a business that helps you build your business. It’s a give and take thing.
Is it possible for renegade entrepreneurship to innovate, grow or even exist if the governments are the institutions we want to look to to boost our economy?
One thing I love about entrepreneurship is it means more people, groups and organizations have the power to create employment for others. And I’m not against regulation, but I think regulators need to innovate, too.
I’ll get into this more in some future posts.
But please tell me where you stand on this issue: should we be pressing government to “fix” the economy…or should we embrace our new reality and learn to thrive within it?
Let’s talk. Leave a comment. I really want to have a conversation with you about this. So don’t be shy!