2015, that is.
Was it the year you wanted it to be?
Whether it was, or it wasn’t, I want you to say goodbye to this year with hope. With excitement and possibility. With the belief deep inside of you that you can find abundance for yourself, for the people you help in your business, and for your friends and family.
To decide what you want to change, and then live every day to make that change happen.
I’ll spare you the gory details, but 2015 didn’t live up to my expectations at all. I had health concerns, experienced the grief of the passing of two family members, and lost friends in other ways. This year hurt – physically, emotionally, psychologically. And it was hard to keep up with the goals I set way back in January.
But some better things happened too. I found more than a dozen incredible new friends through my Mastermind group, who are slowly changing my life, whether or not they know it. I’m learning to take charge of my health. I’m learning to be more grateful, to offer love everywhere I go and to everyone I meet, and to “be the change I want to see in the world”.
So 2016 is going to look very different. I’ve chosen a theme word for the year – ABUNDANCE. Of money, of love, of everything positive. With that – I hope – will come JOY. This is the perspective of my business. It’s what I want for the clients I work with. It’s what I want for you, too.
What about you? Will you attract and build a supportive community around yourself, too? Your tribe can be your customers, your business partners, your loved ones…and if you support them, they’ll support you, too.
And when you have a supportive community around you, the changes of achieving everything you plan for (and more) for 2016 are exponentially higher.
If you’ve joined my 2016 Business Planning Challenge (which you still can, for just a few more days), you’re going to hear this message a lot, in January and throughout the year here in the newsletter and in my direct work with you.
I want to help you create ABUNDANCE and JOY. Not in an airy-fairy or cheesy way, because that’s not my jam. But in the best way I know how – by teaching you to create plans that can’t help but succeed.
See you next year